On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 09:20:21AM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 08:47:03PM +0200, Toni Schmidbauer wrote:
> > 
> > trying to answer q2 because q1 was too complicated :-)
> > 
> > edit /etc/mail/submit.cf and change
> > 
> > D{MTAHost}[localhost] 
> > 
> > to
> > 
> > D{MTAHost}[<global mail server>]
> > 
> > restart sendmail. this is untested, so let me know if it works
> > for you.
> > 
> > because relaying over <global mail server> is only permitted
> > after a successfull pop login, use fetchmail just before sending
> > the mail:
> > 
> > fetchmail -c -p pop3 -u <your username> <global mail server>
> Possibly easier to edit /etc/mail/freebsd.submit.mc.  Change the last line:
> FEATURE(`msp', `[]')dnl
> to
> FEATURE(`msp', `your.mail.server')dnl
> Then run 'make all install' in /etc/mail.  This has exactly the same effect
> as Toni's solution, but I find the .mc far easier to read than the .cf that
> is generated from it, plus this approach will survive an installworld - that
> runs make in /etc/mail, which will re-generate your submit.cf.

Verb. Sap.  The [square brackets] have a function other than
indicating the argument is an IP number.  What they do is tell
sendmail to ignore any MX records set up for the server, and just send
direct.  That tends to be something you want for this sort of
function, as otherwise you may well end up trying to inject messages
into the system via the external mail server.  Thus:

    FEATURE(`msp', `[your.mail.server]')dnl

The fact that [square brackets] are commonly used around IP numbers
quoted directly in the sendmail configuration is principally because
no one generally sets up MX records for IP addresses, so it's pretty
pointless trying to look them up.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
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