On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 07:34:04PM -0400, Adam McLaurin wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 19:25, Charles Howse wrote:
> > Will doing it that way require all the compiling? 
> No, packages are pre-compiled. Note that you'll sometimes have to wait a little 
> longer to get the updated packages, since the maintainer has to submit a compiled 
> binary, but doesn't always do so immediately after a port is updated.

Please wrap your lines at 70 characters so your mail can be easily read.

Actually, package builds are done centrally, they are not submitted by
the port maintainer.  Full package rebuilds are done more or less
continuously, but they're only updated on the FTP site every week or
two (depending on architecture, FreeBSD version and other factors like
how busy I am :-)


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