+--- On Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:50,
| Chris Byrnes proclaimed:
| We recently have been having a problem with our server rebooting
| spontaneously.  It seems to happen about every day or two.  Never had the
| problem before.. started happening about a week ago when we rebooted to
| change IPs on the machine and since we were rebooting anyway, we upgraded
| to the latest FreeBSD -stable before the reboot.
| We recently rebooted the machine ourselves to add kernel debugging stuff.
| The server rebooted itself a few minutes ago and this was in
| /var/log/messages:
| Aug 24 11:37:11 awww savecore: reboot after panic: page fault
| Aug 24 11:37:11 awww savecore: no dump, not enough free space on device
| (77588 available, need 919256)
| Any ideas on what's going on here and how to get this figured out?
| FreeBSD awww.jeah.net 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #16: Wed Aug 20
| 23:03:32 CDT 2003     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/AWWW  i386

Ditto here!  This machine was up for 100+ days until a recent world upgrade, 
now it won't stay up for more than 24 hours, and nothing in the message 

FreeBSD phoenix.gargantuan.com 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Sat Aug 23 
08:54:25 EDT 2003  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PHOENIX  i386

I am going to recompile with the debugging options to see if I get the same 
output that you do.

Stay tuned...

|       Michael W. Oliver, CCNP       | "The tree of liberty must be |
|         IPv6 & FreeBSD mark         | refreshed from time to time  |
|       [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | with the blood of patriots   |
|   http://michael.gargantuan.com/    | and tyrants."                |
|  ASpath-tree, Looking Glass, etc.   | - President Thomas Jefferson |
|                                     +------------------------------+
|      gpg key - http://michael.gargantuan.com/gnupg/pubkey.asc      |

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