On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 12:24:41AM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Aug 31), Jesse Sheidlower said:
> > I recently upgraded my desktop to Gnome2, and of the various things
> > that are causing me grief, the biggest is what's happened to my xterm
> > windows. Now, after the change, it does three things differently and
> > annoyingly: (1) it defaults to black/colored text on a white
> > background; (2) it doesn't have a scrollbar of any sort; and (3)
> > there's no menubar with basic "File"/"Edit" etc. options.
> > 
> > I can somewhat get around (1) by launching it with "xterm -r",
> > although while this does display white/colored on black, it also
> > makes other menus (e.g. those launched with ctrl-[mouse buttons])
> > look incomplete. But (2) is the worst; I really need to have
> > scrollbars with this. I see that there's a toggleable option to
> > "Enable Scrollbar" that I get to with ctrl-Mouse2, but this isn't a
> > regular scrollbar that I can click up and down on, with a moveable
> > thumb, etc., as I used to have before the upgrade and as the
> > gnome-terminal has now.
> You must not have been using xterm before, then, since I don't believe
> you can have any scrollbar other than the standard X-style (RMB scrolls
> up, LMB scrolls down) bar, and it does not come with a menubar either.

Hmm. I certainly thought I was using xterm, as I recall setting
up the icon to launch xterm, and my .bashrc is setting TERM
to xterm-color rather than gnome-terminal or anything else.
And I'm rather sure that I have the exact same setup on my
Linux box, which is in the office and thus unavailable for me
to look at right now. It's also the case that the font displaying
with xterm now looks totally familiar, and the one displaying
with gnome-terminal is totally unfamiliar and ugly.

Is it possible that the functional scrollbars, etc., were an addition 
of the window manager, and if so is there any way to replicate it now?


Jesse Sheidlower
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