On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 04:58:45AM -0700, Paul Orsi wrote:
> I also did #../compile/NEWKERN and got permission denied.
> I made a typo (in the email), yes I did do a lower case 'cd'.permission
> denied again.
> I needed to change permissions to the fstab file since it would not let
> me write to it. The fact is that I have no ownership admin privileges on
> this issue.If I was to use a uppercase 'CD' I would get 'no such
> command', not permission denied. And why does not the base distribution
> include the chattr command.

There is no such command in FreeBSD.

> When I use the pkg_add -r for that package
> (since I'm lazy to look for it on my cd's) I get cannot find?
> I did change my root password. Perhaps that is the source, but it
> shouldn't be. I changed my root password because I was not being
> prompted for a password after root logon .After changing my password,
> I'm now prompted for a password.

Are you absolutely sure you're root?  What does 'id' tell you?

Please do not drop the questions list when following up with emails.
Others may still be able to help you.


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