>$ ppp -auto tdsl
>$ ppp -v /var/run/internet dial    # i used "set
>/var/run/internet" in /etc/ppp/ppp.conf

>logged the bytes sent and received so i could calc
>downloaded MB per month (cause i use MB limited dsl)

>any ideas how to calc the downloaded MB per month ? 
or >is there a
>better way to establish the internet connection using
>tdsl ?

What I do, is use a perl sysinfo script,
just rename it to sys.pl and chmod 755 (runs in
console, or irc as /exec -o ... 

The only problem with it is, if you reboot, it wipes
the buffers of the info... 

The relevent lines are. (I'm using straight ppp, so
you'd have to change tun0 to your device, and count
the correct portion of netstat -i -n -b  for this
part.. head -n1 | awk '{print \$10}')

It might not be excatly what you need, but it can give
you an idea of what your transfer rate is, in and out)

This is how it looks:

Sound: AudioPCI ES1373-B at /dev/pcm0 | Memory: 167 of
257 mb (65%)| Disk Usage(ad0): 2.0 of 6.8 gb (29%) |
GFX: 1280x960 @ 24, bpp | Net: I/O: tun0 In: 27.50M
Out: 4.09M | Uptime: 13:03, 6 users, load averages:
2.71, 2.73, 2.78

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