On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 01:10:27PM -0700, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
> I have a desktop running 5.1+KDE.  Building a port (finance/gnucash)
> failed when the install of a fresh gettext build failed due to there
> being an older version already present.  To fix this, I cd into
> devel/gettext, run make deinstall && make reinstall.
> But now I have programs and other libs refusing to load (PHP, cyrus,
> sylpheed, et al).  I get errors stating that libintl.so.4 could not be
> found.  A check of/usr/local/lib shows a libintl.so.5 with libintl.so
> symlinked to it, but no libintl.so.4.  Symlinking libintl.so.4 to .5
> seems to have at least made it possible for everything to load again.
> I'm wondering, though, why this happened?  Is there is a "more correct"
> way to fix the problem?  Is this risk taken when one upgrades a
> massively interdependent set of installed ports?

This is a FAQ.  portupgrade -R gettext, or see the archives for
extensive discussion.


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