On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 06:22:45AM -0500, Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> I want to know is there a way to wrap the text in vi? In emacs you can
> just hit Esc+q and it will wrap the text. How about vi?
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From vi(1) manpage :

   wraplen, wl [0]
      Vi only.  Break lines automatically,  the  specified  number of
      columns  from  the  left-hand  margin.   If both the wraplen and
      wrapmargin edit options are set, the wrapmargin value is used.

   wrapmargin, wm [0]
      Vi only.  Break lines automatically,  the  specified  number of
      columns  from  the  right-hand  margin.  If both the wraplen and
      wrapmargin edit options are set, the wrapmargin value is used.

   wrapscan, ws [on]
      Set searches to wrap around the end or beginning of the file.

So, for example, the command ':set wl=72' will wrap lines at 72

        Francesco Casadei

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