YOu X-Windowing installation is *not* right.

Update your XFree86 to the latest available (via packages), not
you might need to download and upgrade your FreeBSD 4.5 to 4.8-RELEASE
or 4.9-PRERELEASE, this should give much up to date video card drivers,
then you run XFree86 -configure and follow instructions (hopefully in your book) from there.

C. W. Talbot wrote:

I recently installed FreeBSD 4.5 with desk top KDE using a CD that came with the book, FreeBSD Unleashed, by Michael Urban and Brian Tiemann. Everything seemed to go fine until I executed startx. The desktop environment on my screen "seems" to be at least four times as big as it should be, displaying only the top left portion of the desktop.

The strange part of this problem is that during the install process, program option screens are the correct size and font.

Any advice to get me going will be appreciated.

C. W. Talbot

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