Hi again. I've got a few more questions, this time about ATI Mach64/Rage
video support.

Under Linux (until the 2.4.22 kernel's ServerWorks fix broke mtrr
support on my machine), I was able to get xv and DRI support on my
system (ATI 3D Rage IIc), over a number of versions of XF86 (previously
with the gatos ati.2 drivers, but those are now part of the core XF86

Under FreeBSD-5.1, using XFree86-Server-4.3.0_11 from the ports
collection, I'm not getting either. I checked the XF86Config file, and
everything's fine there. 

Looking at xfree86.0.log, the dri module and the ati module are both
getting loaded, and there are no gross write-combining errors like I've
seen recently in linux. But when I run (e.g.) glxgears, I get:
  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".

Similarly, xvinfo finds X-Video extension 2.2, but finds no
xv-compatible adaptors present. And I have no idea how to track down why
this is happening. (For example, unlike linux 2.4.22, write-combining
works under FreeBSD 5.1.)

I'm having problems with xvidix, as well. In particular, when I try to
use xvidix output from mplayer, it completely hangs my system. Under
linux, xvidix works fine (other than spraying some visual noise over
other windows if I don't run full-screen). I can't find much
documentation on xvidix anywhere (just a single rambling file in the
mplayer distribution, duplicated on the mplayer website).

I'm also having svgalib problems. I can't get it to accept anything
better than the 1024x768x64K setting. It recognizes a Mach 64/Rage card
and loads the newer driver, just as in linux, but it rejects all higher
modelines. In svgalib under linux (and in X in both OS's), I can use
1600x1200x64K (and even higher resolutions). I haven't dug into the code
too deep yet.

Also, once you've grabbed a new vt in svgalib, stdout and stderr both
goes to that vt, so there's no way to log errors, etc. And once the
program has completed and you've switched back to your original console
(or X) there's no way to get back to the dead vt to see what was left

Also, if an svgalib program locks up while it's got virtual console
switching locked, there seems to be no way to recover other than to ssh
into the machine from outside and kill [-9] the program. Usually, this
works, although in one case, it apparently froze up the machine
completely (no response from the keyboard--even the lock-leds went
dead--or over the network), and I had to hard-reset.

Most of that last question probably has nothing to do with svgalib, but
with differences between linux's and BSD's vt's.... Under linux, I could
forcibly switch vt's, kill everything running on the console, or even
kill the vt (I might have to type blind for a few seconds, but I could
get things fixed). If I ssh'd in, I could use chvt to bring up a usable
console to fix things remotely. Does FreeBSD have equivalents to any of
this functionality?

Anyway, again, any help, or pointers to where to get help, would be

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