On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 07:01:36PM +0000, Lewis Thompson wrote:
>   I'm really asking if anybody can suggest any particularly interesting
> topics that I can go away and research and then include in my essay.

I was on a pretty short timescale for this essay but after attempting to
get the history /and/ a specific breakdown of a FreeBSD feature, I
quickly found it was almost impossible to get the level of detail I
required in 1,000 words.

  As a result I concentrated on the history of UNIX, specifically BSD,
up until 386BSD / settlement of the lawsuit in 1994.  I've put a PDF on
my website.  Anybody that is interested can see it at
http://www.lewiz.org/~lewiz/, it's at the bottom under ``Released
Documents''.  I will freely admit now that I am even now, after
extensive research, a bit unfamiliar with the exact order of events for
the lawsuit.  It was hard for me to determine if Jolitz write custom
files /before/ the lawsuit, or after.  If anybody can confirm or correct
what I've written on this, I would greatly appreciate it -- even though
the essay is already submitted.

  Thanks to everybody who gave me suggestions.  They were all very
useful -- especially the links to histories, etc.  Best wishes,


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
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