On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 19:12, Scott W wrote:
> Books and references-
> C- Already mentioned, K&R 'The C Programming Language' is 'the bible.'  
> This is also generally a lousy book to start with if you aren't 
> programming already, but an invaluable reference.  Pick up another book, 
> wish I knew a good starter one, but it's been a while...can try Deitel 
> and Deitel or (nobody laugh, have used it for Intro before..) the 21 
> days SAMs series for a 'jump-start,' and THEN the Deitel/Deitel and K&R.

I have O'Reilly's Practical C Programming by Steve Oualline and think
it's pretty good for beginners. He glazes over a lot of stuff in the
beginning, but I think that ends up helping in the long run. (Kinda
like, "this is how it works" followed later by "okay, this is how it
*really* works.") Coupled with the K&R book (especially the standard
library reference appendix!), I'm now learning C at a phenomenal rate.

Charles Ulrich

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