On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 15:03:08 +0200
"Roland Giesler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Konrad,
> Yes, you're right, I mean file systems.  I've only been using FreeBSD for
> bit more than a month, so I'm still getting used to the different
> terminology (being used to MS).
> Could I do this process "live", ie. could I FTP the content for "/usr" to
> another machine, delete the "/usr" filesystem, grow "/" to let's say 1GB,
> recreate "/usr" and copy the data back?  If I understand things correctly,
> then "/usr" holds apps and other stuff, but not the files essential to
> starting and operating FreeBSD.  So I should be follow this course of
> action?

I would suggest using either dump/restore or tar befora ftp-ing. See:


and the man pages

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