On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 12:49:46PM -0800, Rishi Chopra wrote:
> After installing FreeBSD I get the following message:
> No /boot/loader
> FreeBSD/i386 boot
> Default: 0:da(0,a)/kernel
> boot:
> When installing the OS, I created one partition using the entire disk 
> (in this case a 560GB arrray) and created two mount points (256M 'swap' 
> as da0s1a and 559G '/' as da0s1b.  How can I get the OS to boot?

OK, you've done this backwards: the a partition is traditionally used
for / and b for swap.  You should be able to boot by telling the
kernel to boot from the b partition though:


See the boot manpage once you've booted to see how to make the change


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