>  Dear Sirs,
>  I am writing to you because I have some problem with recently installed Unix
> FreeBSD 5.1.
>  I must say you that I am new user of FreeBSD, and therefore I need some advice.
> And here is my problem: when I installed FreeBSD and added KDE environment as
> the default X Window environment for my system, everything was perfect, except
> the fact that I cannot enable xdm to log in X Window environment properly
> (HERE IS THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM: when I enabled xdm in etc/ttys file, then
> after rebooting xdm started, but when I entered login and password, xdm, again,
> started, that is, this program was like cycled)
> instead of logging in console. I strictly followed the instructions given in
> Chapter 5 of the FreeBSD Handbook, but I couldn't do anything about it. May be
> the problem is that the instructions are not enough detailed for me.
>  That is why I ask you to help me. Thank you in advance.

It sounds like you don't have a proper .xsession file.

Start by removing whatever you already have for a .xsession file, and
you'll get the system default one.  If that doesn't work, look in
~/.xsession-errors.  If it does work, then you need to debug your
.xsession file (remember that you *don't* want it to exit while you
are running an xdm session.

For reference, my .xsession file is at

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area: 
                resume/CV at http://be-well.ilk.org:8088/~lowell/resume/
                username/password "public"
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