On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 10:22:46AM -0800, Lee Mx wrote:
> >Here is another option using sed that takes 2 less keystrokes :)
> >
> >$ sed -e '/pattern/q'
> This would give line 1 to the pattern, wouldn't it,  Rather than pattern to 
> EOF.

Yes, it would give line 1 to the pattern, inclusive.  One of his
original questions was:

"How can I delete all lines from /^PATTERN to EOF??"

Unless I'm reading it wrong, he wants to *keep* everything from the
beginning of the file to /^PATTERN/ and NOT keep everything else all the
way to EOF.  The diff. between what I suggested and the what other
suggested is that using 'q' would be inclusive, while the others are
exclusive of the line matched by /^PATTERN/.  However, it wasn't clear
which he wanted.

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