Warren Block wrote:
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Brent Bowman wrote:

I get to the end of step  " Booting for the i386™"  where it
tells to boot the kernel and no matter what I do, it just reboots the
computer!  Therefore it looses whatever it tried to put in memory and
starts over again.    How can I get it to go to the kernel setup?

My Hardware:
IBM PS/Valuepoint 486  33MHz


This is likely the problem.  The install needs more than 8M, somewhere
between 12 and 16M last I heard.

If it helps, I have a Valuepoint 486 DX2/66 with 32M of RAM that runs
4.8 flawlessly.

I've got 4.9 running on a 486/33 with 20 MB of RAM, so if you can scrape up that much it should be sufficient. It works fine as a personal mail server with Courier, except that the IMAP folders containing over 10,000 messages cause huge amounts of thrashing when I open them. Takes several minutes.

It also takes nearly three days to build 4.9 from source on a 486/33...

- Bob

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