Quoting Osmany Guirola Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 I feel very happy when I saw in the nvidia site the drivers for linux
and of course for FREEBSD, and I need to Know what about ATI and
FREEBSD(linux not have problems) drivers because I will acquire a new
machine and I need to decide between a ATI  or a NVIDIA card for my box
and I need to have 3D ACCELERATION. Which should be my choice.

Well, ATI probably won't ever release FreeBSD drivers. I've been in contact with
a couple of ATI employees, and the most I've been able to get is that one guy
at ATI might write some drivers in his spare time... if ATI will let him
release them.

The nVidia drivers don't work with newer cards (anything newer than GeForce FX
5800) but I've talked to someone at nVidia, and he says that there are plans to
release newer drivers, he just doesn't know when. the nVidia folks are waiting
on a change to the threading system in FreeBSD that is crucial for the nVidia
drivers to work.

To make it a short story... I'd get nVidia, because ATI has shown no signs of
ever supporting FreeBSD.

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