
I recently went through all of this with a Windows 2000 machine; I ended up doing it using Samba and CUPS. Apparently there are ways to do it using lpd and apsfilter, but I think using CUPS is the cleanest solution.

Configuring Samba won't be too bad if you're only going to be accessing other shares, rather than setting up shares on the FreeBSD box. In that case, not very much configuration is needed; only the smbclient and smbspool programs (these are the client programs that access other shares). Get familiar with SWAT; it's a real nice tool and makes configuring Samba mostly painless. Using SWAT, you can change the workgroup name that you want the FreeBSD box to access, and the NetBIOS name of the FreeBSD box. Note that if you do want to set up Samba shares on your FreeBSD box, you'll need to set "Encrypt Passwords" to yes and use smbpasswd to maintain Samba's set of username/passwords that allow Windows users to access the FreeBSD shares.

First, make sure it works by generating a file that is ready to be sent direct to your printer. By that I mean a file in your printer's native raster format. You can do this using ghostscript and a postscript file (or, if your printer is already postscript, you can just send the postscript file directly). Use smbclient to do this. If it works, then your Samba configuration is good enough.

Next, you will need to create a symlink to the smbspool program in /usr/local/libexec/backend (this is where CUPS keeps all of the transport programs it uses to deliver jobs to the printers). Once this is done, use the CUPS tools to add a Windows network printer using Samba. It will ask for the name of the printer, and prompt you with "smb:". This is the name of the printer share. In my experience you will also need to provide a username/password to CUPS in the name; this is the user account which all the printing will be done under. I used the Guest account so that I wouldn't have my password in a file (albeit an unreadable file). In any case then the full name you will have to put here is something like
smb://<username>:<password@<Windows machine name>/<printer share name>
(Type "smbclient -L <Windows machine name>" to find all the available shares on this machine, using the -U option if your username is different on the FreeBSD and Windows boxes.)

From there you should be scot free from the parts concerning Samba.
Potential gotchas:
1) if your printer is not natively supported by CUPS' drivers, you can use foomatic-db and foomatic-db-engine to generate a driver for your printer. Follow the documentation on www.linuxprinting.org to get the printing going in this scenario; note you will need to install the foomatic-rip script yourself (I couldn't find it in ports).

2) If you set up shares on your FreeBSD box, make sure you don't have LDAP support enabled when you compile. I did by accident and it kept me from administering the Samba password file.

Another neat printing solution I found online, using only lpd, is outlined on this website:
It involves printing to a dummy fifo, then using smbspool to send the contents of the fifo to the printer.

Hope this helps,


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