On Tue, 11 May 2004 12:24:22 +0800 (CST)
Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks
> Freebsd5.2
> =========
> This is my first time running 'cvsup' to upgrade
> port-tree after installing the OS which runs on a slow
> PC, AMD-K6-350 and under X11.  
> # cvsup cvs-supfile
> I went through 'A.5.3 CVSup Configuration' on
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cvsup.html
> But I haven't had much confidence on myself, not
> running the PC to an unstable state after upgrade. 
> Please provide me some advice on this respect
> $ pkg_info | grep cvsup
> cvsup-16.1h         General network file distribution
> system optimized for CVS
> # cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/cvs-supfile 
> /etc/cvs-supfile
> # ee /etc/cvs-supfile  (as follows)
> ....
> cvs-all (shall I add 'release=cvs' ???)
> ...
> Can I create one 'supfile' to /etc/supfile and run
> followings collectively (instead of to run each
> 'supfile' separately);
> # cat /etc/supfile
> ....
> src-all
> doc-all ('release=cvs' ???)
> cvs-all ('release=cvs' ???)
> cvsroot-all ('release=cvs' ???)
> ports-all ('release=cvs' ???)
> .....

I use 3 cvsup files: one fot the ports, one for the docs and one for the
system (src). This way I can update ports and docs more often and be
sure the system had known-to-be-working sources (I'm on -CURRENT).

My /etc/ports-supfile is:
*default host=cvsup3.FreeBSD.org
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix

(Don't refuse categories in ports, when you'll try to `make index` I
will fail from time to time ).

In the /etc/current-supfile the line ports-all is replaced by src-all
and in /etc/doc-all by doc-all

If you don't follow -current you will want to change the dot from
"tag=." in your branch.

> then
> # cvsup supfile
> Is it necessary to run following trial test ???
> # mkdir /var/tmp/dest
> # cvsup supfile /var/tmp/dest


> I could not locate
> /usr/ports/UPDATING 
> where it is kept???

Well, in /usr/ports :) It is a new thing so it will appear after you

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"

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