Sometimes  the power goes out and my machine shuts off . when I power it
backup it fails at check root file system. and drops me into a shell I run
fsck /dev/da0s1a   and answer yes to fixing of fragmented inodes.  figure
out what drive/partition root is mounted of  by typing df and then run fsck
on it.

ssigc# df
Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a   1813422  1323568   3444782    39%    /
ssigc#fsck /dev/da0s1a

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 2:01 AM
Subject: Improper shutdown of system / Fragmentation Problems / Boot logs

> I am kinda new to FBSD, still kinda learning stuff. Anyway, when my
> system boots i see all kinda fragmentation information. How do I correct
> this? Any good reading material? Also, what should I do when I shutdown
> my system incorrectly and boot up again? Last questions! I promise. Is
> there a file that shows the data printed to screen durning boot?
> Probably, a log file.
> Thanks guys,
> Bruce
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