On Monday 28 June 2004 11:20 am, Vulpes Velox wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 13:08:31 -0400
> Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Vulpes Velox wrote:
> > > I've been going though transfering all the freebsd mailing lists
> > > I've subscribe to over to one account... the small problem I ran
> > > into is this, I can send emails from this new account fine, but
> > > for some reason if I send something to a list, it does not appear
> > > to show up... I niether recieve it nor does it show up in the
> > > archive...
> >
> > This message made it through.  I've seen mailing list lag of up to
> > 48 hours from time to time, so there may be some mail getting stuck
> > on a queue for whatever reasons.
> Yeah, that is what happened, hehe accidentally tripled posted ^_^
> Yeah, never really seen it lag befor like that :/
> but it is working nicely now :)

Mailman has died a few times. I follow cvs-all and the one of the very 
last messages was one from krion where he updated ghostscript-gnu. This 
was about 11:14 am on Sunday and nothing was received until I started 
kmail on mid-morning Monday. When this happens, what I do is browse the 
current mail list at


If the last email on a list that you subscribe to is the same one that 
is in your inbox, it is probably safe to assume mailman has died and 
ignore the situation. Double or triple posting only generates snide 
remarks :).

The plist for the updated ghostscript-gnu included an erroneous file and 
it was fixed without using mailman. Changes to the system continued it 
was just the email side that was hung up.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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