> There are 3 remote sites connecting to our network using GATEWAY to
> VPN and around 25 remote VPN users that must be dealt with also. Last
> item,
> there is a chance that I will have to connect 3 more remote sites into the
> picture within the next 6 months, so this needs to be scalable to handle
> the
> load..
> My question is, what is the best way to set this up. Here are my thoughts,
> but not sure what is the best way.
> *     Setup one FreeBSD box that contains FIREWALL, SQUID and OPENVPN or
> *     Setup 3 separate boxes to break up the work load.

What will the load requirements be? (How many users will require the use
of squid).

I have a FBSD PIII 800 w/256M RAM as a firewall for one of our clients,
with 3 OpenVPN instances running simultaneously (Two are site->site, and
one is an XP-client->site). The box is also performing NAT (ipfw/natd) for
the internal users, which when all are accounted for equal ~120, and I
find it works great. There are about 30 users through the VPN's, though
usually never on all at the same time.

Depending on caching requirements though, you might be better off
splitting that off onto it's own box, especially if you have the hardware
readily available as you suggest.



> Many thanks in advance for being patient with what I am sure is stupid
> beginner questions to most of you.
> When giving your choice of which setup, please point me in the direction
> of
> the best resource to put it all together and the hardware requirement you
> would recommend. I have a truck load of PII 300 - 450's due to upgrades,
> so
> if I can use them great, if not, time to go on a spending spree.
> Thanks again
> Paul
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