On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:27, Hauan, David wrote:
> > >> Did you actually change the IP on the interface itself? If not:
> > >>
> > >> edit /etc/rc.conf and change the IP/Netmask, then:
> > >>
> > >> # /etc/netstart
> > >
> > > Yes, the IP was changed. I ran /etc/netstart, but it didn't
> >
> > help. As I
> >
> > > said,
> > > ping works as normal, and the packet sniffer shows normal
> >
> > TCP connections
> >
> > > and
> > > there are even answers from the remote servers, so I really
> >
> > have no clue
> >
> > > what
> > > could be wrong. I don't think it would do this with a wrong IP.
> >
> > Do you have an ``alias_address'' statement in your natd.conf file?
> >
> > Usually, you will specify the interface that natd operates
> > on, but in some
> > situations, some will specify an alias address instead.
> >
> > Check the file, and ensure that you are not aliasing the old address.
> >
> > Steve
> Can you ping outside addresses from the inside clients?
> Is the FW box running dhcp?
> If not did you change the gateway on the inside clients?

Yes, I can ping everything and I can also open TCP connections from the 
clients. A SYN packet goes out and a SYN/ACK comes back, but I don't see any 
further packets. That's why I suspected my firewall, but I changed almost 
nothing in the configuration.

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