On Sun, 1 Aug 2004 16:37:43 -0700 (PDT)
stheg olloydson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> it was said:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a mailing list.  Please keep
> >the mailing list
> >CCed on all replies.
> >
> >sylvia bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks for answering my email.  Believe me this is
> >not a joke.  It's
> >> driving me crazy.  My tv is hooked up to Cox Cable
> >in Las Vegas, NV.
> >> The channel I'm receiving the message on is CBS. 
> >The address looks
> >> something like this: 
> <http://>[n:][e:2000101][8A41]
> >
> >What makes you think this address has anything to do
> >with FreeBSD?
> >
> >> I've received other addressess also, but you are
> >the first ones kind
> >> enough to answer me.  It begins with a solid black 
> <snip>
> >> start up again.  I've tried to tape it because
> >everybody else is asleep
> >> and no one believes me, but it won't tape.  When I
> >play the tape back I
> >> just get a blurry screen.
> <snip>
> Hello,
> What you have there is an ingress problem. The
> question is what's causing it. It may be due to signal
> leakage in the actual cable. If so, your neighbors
> should see the same thing at the same time you do. Ask
> them. Either way, Cox needs to test the coax from your
> set top box all the way to the optical node. Have
> someone come out with a strength meter. It may be a
> noisy tap, and they won't find that testing from the
> headend.
> The fact you can't tape it, though, is interesting and
> suggests that the signal isn't coming through the
> cable. Perhaps someone within wireless range is doing
> something that they ought to be doing better, and your
> tuner is picking it up. That would be an FCC problem.
> HTH,
> Stheg
> PS. BTW, why _do_ you think
> "<http://>[n:][e:2000101][8A41]" is related to
> FreeBSD?
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  I have seen this infomation in the close caption data stream. 

Michael D Hughes                            Loghome living is the best!
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