it was said: 


>My problem is that my dhclient never finds any DHCP 
>servers on the Comcast network. The default dhclient
>that came with the 
>installation simply times out, the other one that >I
'make installed' 


>Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
>WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
>WARNING: /tmp was not properly dismounted
>WARNING: /usr was not properly dismounted
>WARNING: /var was not properly dismounted
>/var: mount pending error: blocks 4 files 1
>/var: superblock summary recomputed



I don't know if Comcast still requires users to
"register" their mac address(es) in order to connect,
but I know they used to.
BTW, I infer from your dmesg output that you're not
cleanly shutting down. Naughty, naughty! Remember, 
shutdown(8) is your friend.



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