First of all, you need to read the manual page for cvsup. It is
clearly stated that the option -L shows the amount of verbosity cvsup
maintains. If you are running it from inside a script, then either you
have to
reduce the verbosity to 1 ie, the command will be cvsup -g -L 1 supfile
redirect the output to some file (if you want to look into it later)
or to /dev/null to discard it.

Secondly, You can always set up multiple crontabs. But since you are
using && (ie doo only if prev was successful), that would works if the
output of cvsup is properly dealt with.



On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 00:07:26 -0700, Joshua Tinnin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I have searched the archives, and I can't find that my question has
> been answered previously, but please forgive me if that's incorrect.
> I'm using (or rather trying to use) cron to update my ports tree daily.
> I've tried several different combinations without success, and lately
> this is what I have in my crontab file:
> /usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /home/krinklyfig/supfiles/ports-supfile
> && /usr/local/bin/portindex && /usr/local/sbin/portsdb -u
> It runs as root once a day. What appears to be happening is that the
> cvsup is happening, but portindex is not, and because of the latter
> portsdb -u doesn't either. The reason I know cvsup is working is
> because portindex indicates that the ports tree has been updated if I
> run it manually later, but running portversion before manually running
> portindex will not indicate any changes. The cron log doesn't show
> anything but the commands being executed. So, my question is: is this
> type of command valid, or should each command be separate? Or is it not
> working for some other reason?
> - jt
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