> > I have just done a fresh install of 4.10 R from the ISO disk
> >
> > The first package I installed was cvsup, and then i did a complete 
> > ports upgrade from cvsup3.
> >
> > Then I tried to make KDE3. It failed trying to find a file called 
> > jpegexiforient.c.
> >
> > Having no idea what to do about that, I decided to make KDE-LITE.
> >
> > This also gives the same 'file not found' error.
> >
> > I have done this procedure a few times before when I reinstall 
> > freeBSD, and have never had this error.  I have not reinstalled for 
> > about 3 weeks, so something may have changed in the port.
> >
> Did you
> - follow /usr/ports/UPDATING after your cvsup
> - install portupgrade
> - install KDE with portupgrade -NR kde

Thanks for the reply, but are you sure I need to do a port
upgrade after the cvsup if I am installing from the newly
updated port.  KDE is the first application i am installing
after the standard installation of 4.10, and the error is
a missing file.  Shouldnt the cvsup'd port have everything
I need ?

I am thinking something is wrong with the most recent
port. (btw there is nothing mentioned in UPDATING)


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