Well you have some higher level tools embebed in some services like
pure-ftpd/puredb you can limit up/down bandwitdh and quotas, etc.. But
it's better to limit it with ALTQ/dummynet, that's why they exist.

On Sat, 04 Sep 2004 01:14:07 +0200, Alex de Kruijff
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 03:12:56PM +0300, Erik U. wrote:
> > I use ipf and i dont want to use ipfw and dummynet. Is there any way to
> > limit the bandwidth?
> Did you know you can use ipfw and ipf togetter? (I.e. ipf for
> firewalling and ipfw for traffic shapping.) You could try to combine ipf
> with ipa (port) but it will not be a nice sollution. (i.e. adding deny
> rules when someone uses the internet alot.)
> P.S. I moved the cc to questions instead of stable, because i feel this
> belongs there more. See the handbook for the descriptions of the
> maillists.
> --
> Alex
> Articles based on solutions that I use:
> http://www.kruijff.org/alex/FreeBSD/
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