On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 21:36, Gary Kline wrote:
>       To the Gnome wizards out there,
>       I've been experimenting with different window managers
>       and need some tips on how making Gnome more comfortable 
>       feel.  Here are some miscellaneous questions:
>       How do I create different sized xterms and/or gnome terms
>       of different sizes in different workspaces?  

gnome-terminal can save settings in classes, and a class can be
specified on the launch command line. If you want them to open when
Gnome starts, add them in the session startup control.

>       Is it possible
>       to have an xload app of a given size (or other GUI apps)
>       and have them appear on various workspaces, or *all*
>       workspaces?  Finally, how can I set up the Fn keys to
>       perform certain tasks, for example, have F2 minimize a 
>       window/xterm/app, and have F3 put the same application
>       in front?

I think these are not so much Gnome attributes, they belong to the
underlying window manager. Sawfish, for example. 
>       Both Gnome and KDE are nice front ends, but a bit heavy
>       on the graphical interface side for a CLI hacker like
>       me.  Feedback welcome!

A GUI is to the OS what a CPU case is to a motherboard. I am a Gnome fan
because it has the potential to bring OSS OSes to the masses. I have
always been a Mac fan, and like a well-designed GUI on my workstation.
But when I work on my servers I just ssh in and type away. Go figure.


Gary Dunn

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