On 10/30/04 12:39 AM, Jeff Doolittle sat at the `puter and typed:
> Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> > <SNIP>
> >I did a lot of googling to see if there was anything about the
> >controller and the WRITE_DMA message out there - even associated with
> >Linux or any other *nix.  Very little, but there were suggestions to
> >change the CPU to compatible mode.  I tried this and it wouldn't boot.
> >  
> >
> CPU to "compatible mode"?  What worked for my ASUS was to change the 
> Serial ATA from enhanced mode to compatible mode which results in the 
> loss of either your Primary or Secondary IDE channel.  I've been running 
> this way for months without a problem.  I use the onboard Promise 
> controller for my "live" data and do a weekly dump to the WDC drives on 
> the ICH5 "compatible" mode enabled drives.   The only reboots of the box 
> have been for newer versions of CURRENT and now STABLE.

My bios doen't give that level of control on the SATA controller.

> >Same result the other poor schmuck got when he tried it.  There was
> >also a suggestion that HT be turned off.  Kinda defeats the whole
> >purpose of spending the extra $100 when I bought this system, so I
> >didn't bother trying it - especially since there were folks out there
> >that said it wasn't related - they had no problems with the Disk
> >controller and HT.
> >
> For the record I'm still running with HT enabled although I might turn 
> it off after reading many messages about how system performance is impacted.

Doesn't make sense, does it?  I guess I'll try turning mine off too.
Much as I hate to do it - considering the promises of SMP coolness in
5.3 is why I bought the HT chip.

> > <SNIP>
> Hopefully the above is of some help.
>     Good luck

Every little bit helps.

Louis LeBlanc               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://www.keyslapper.org                     ԿԬ

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