Andrew Jones wrote:
> Jay O'Brien wrote:
>>Ok, what DO I do to shut down gnome if I don't want it running?
> ctrl+alt+backspace. It crashes the xserver though, but it'll exit.

Nope. It doesn't work for me. With gdm/X running, ctl+alt+bksp goes 
first to black screen then comes back with a new logon window. If I 
do it enough times, it reports to the virtual terminal "The display 
server has been shut down about 6 times in the last 90 seconds, it 
is likely that something bad is going on. I will wait for two minutes 
before trying again on display :0." and then it comes back on. 

If I use ctl+alt+F1 to go from GNOME to a virtual terminal, then try 
ctl+alt+backspace, it does nothing (except beep). Top reports that 
the processes that come up when I start gdm are XFree86, gdmlogin, 
and two gdm-binary processes. KILL seems to have no effect on them. 

There's got to be a way to shut GNOME and XFree86 down without 
rebooting! At least that works. I wonder if this may be the time 
to go to version 5 and the newer version of X?

Jay O'Brien

Specs: FreeBSD V4.10, GNOME package obtained today via the Internet 
using pkg_add -r gnome2.

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