I took the 10 GB hard drive out of a 4 year old laptop, which had died, and put it into a generic hard drive box, which connects to my laptop by USB cable. It pulls it's power from the computer.

It sometimes worked with Windows 98SE. But it would not work with Windows 98SE if I also had my external CD ROM installed. (Installed! Not simply connected.) There was a conflict, and Win 98SE would only recognized the 1st of these two devices which were installed. It works fine with Win XP. So much for Windows.

I had FreeBSD installed earlier this year on this same laptop. Like Windows XP, I don't remember it having any problem with these devices.

I have been using this 6 year old laptop as a test bed for the different versions of Linux and FreeBSD. (The built-in CD ROM is almost worn out.) I just put v5.2.1 back on this laptop. It doesn't want to recognize this hard drive. I have checked the 'dmesg' and can't see any mention of this connection. I can connect and disconnect this drive while the system is running and not get any messages. I have ssh running and it is obviously doing something to the drive since I hear the drive clicking on/off. In fact, it sounds like a clock. (I am constantly getting messages from ssh.)

Any ideas here?


Lloyd Hayes

URL: http://TalkingStaff.bravehost.com E-FAX Number: (208) 248-6590

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