I've written a command line utility to deal with this type of thing.
It's called duc. You can get it at:


duc takes out unprintables, extended ascii set chars, spaces and
punctuations, with options to allow you to take out some while leaving
others. Also there is a test only option as well as an option to restore spaces. By default it replaces chars with an underscore, but
it can optionally delete the offending chars directly. duc is written in assembly. I hope it helps some people out.

Edward Brown

Erik Trulsson wrote:

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 03:51:37PM -0800, Derrick Ryalls wrote:

I've tried lynx, but it did not display the files.
I tried emacs, but I was only able to rename two of the
directories to other names I could delete; the other two gave
me an error of illegal character. I tried 'rm -i -- ?*' but
it didn't find the files. I tried 'find . -inum 146 -delete'
but while it gave no error message, the files/directories remain.

Help!  How do I delete these odd directories?
Please CC me in your response as I'm not currently
subscribed to the List.

#mkdir dir?me #rmdir dir\?me

That assumes that filenames actually contain questionmarks.
ls(1) by default displays all unprintable characters as question marks.
To see what the filenames actually are use 'ls -aB'.

To delete files with strange names you can always do a 'rm -i *' and
answer 'y' only for the weird files.

'rm -i *' returns "no match" 'ls -aB' shows me the file names, but even after carefully typing in what it shows me in an 'rm' command (name in quotes) says not found. There are \216, \235, \237, and \377 characters in the names, if this matters. Thanks.

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