
On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 02:26:09PM +1030 or thereabouts, Adam Smith wrote:
> And that's why I like fish -- cos it doesn't need anything special running
> to connect to a remote host! :)

You like fish? Even with that nasty bug in KDE which makes any kind
of work with files with size lower than 1024 bytes impossible? That
applies also to sftp as I've heard. And as it seems there is noone in
KDE team to fix this bug (possibly kio stuff), guys across the river
in Gentoo Linux distro have decided to take matters into their hands
and at least they have been able to fix sftp kio problem with such
files. Maybe this is indication that sftp is more useful than fish.



martin hudec

   * 421 907 303 393
   * http://www.aeternal.net

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   Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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