On Sat, Jan 01, 2005 at 05:35:39PM +0100, Xinizul Xinizul wrote:
> 2. I think I'm using the right device:
> 192# dmesg | grep acd0
> acd0: DVDR <PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-106D/1.08> at ata0-master UDMA33

I asked this because it happed to me as well. I had two drives
in the box, and kept trying to use the one with had a mounted
CD in it :-)

> Could I use another burner tool ?

Of course. You can try cdrecord from /usr/ports/sysutils/cdrtools.

For this to work, you need to add
  device atapicam
to your kernel config file, recompile, reinstall and reboot the kernel.
Once you've done that, you should see a device 'cd0' in dmesg and /dev.
You can try burncd on /dev/cd0, or cdrecord with the appropriate SCSI ID:

# cdrecord -scanbus
should then give you the correct SCSI ID a,b,c to use.

# cdrecord -v dev=a,b,c speed=4 mp3_1.iso
for data CDs.

# cdrecord -v dev=a,b,c speed=1 -audio track*.wav
for audio CDs.

Good luck!


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