On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 13:58:47 -0700, Tom Vilot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Besides ... with a name like hardcodeharry, I would expect a little more
> intelligence; a little more willingness to dig into things. A slight
> tendency to ask the question: "how can I hack this code to work, and how
> would I contribute those modifications to the BSD team?"
> But I see none of that.
> In short: troll.
> Anyone with a reasonable desire to use any of the *nixes would have
> enough smarts to know:
> 1. check the hardware compatibility lists to determine whether or not
> the hardware you want to run is going to work with the particular *nix
> you want to use. This is no different between BSD and Linux, Solaris, etc.
> 2. Don't expect every damn piece of hardware out there to work out of
> the box with an older version of the kernel for the given *nix. This is
> NOT WINDOWS (thank god) and just because you have a particular piece of
> hardware doesn't mean it's going to work. It is your responsibility to
> know this and to work with it.
> 3. Ask questions politely in the appropriate forums, and be civil.
> Failing to do so is probably not going to get your question answered.
> I for one was drafting a post for this list thanking *everyone* on it
> for being the kind of terrific help they are when  Boris' post appeared.
> The kind of discourse I see on this list (and on other BSD oriented
> lists) is a huge and welcome contrast to the childish banter I see on
> most of the Linux (and MacOS and Windows) discussion lists out there. It
> is like  the kind of professional enthusiasm I remember on the BeOS lists.
> As a result ... please pardon me if I am intolerant of behavior and
> attitudes that sound to me like that which I left behind when I put
> FreeBSD on my laptop and two servers ....

Very well said, Tom, and accurate.  Thank you.

Joshua Lokken
Open Source Advocate
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