On Jan 31, 2005, at 1:22 PM, albi wrote:
Mark Ovens wrote:

I want to install apache with SSL but there are two ports, www/apache13-modssl and www/apache13-ssl
What is the difference, and which is the best to install?

i think the apache13-ssl has SSL build in, the other uses a module for SSL

Apache-1.3 does not have SSL built-in. The port www/apache13-ssl is using "Ben Laurie's SSL", whereas mod_ssl is by Ralf Engelschall. See:


It is just for use on my home LAN but I want to run squirrelmail to access my mail from remote machines.

there's also apache2 which, afaik, builds with SSL by default

Yes, apache2 has support for SSL built-in, and will enable SSL if the system it is built on has it available (which is true for all recent FreeBSD versions).


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