I followed your advice and rewrote my firewall rules.
Although, even now, there are some major difficulties.

I still, can't acces the net from my 2 other computers
via my FreeBSD firewalled gateway.
Although I set up on it to allow traffic on
ports 21, 22, 53, 8080 I can only telent to port
21, all the others report a "connection refused" error.

I can ping the FreeBSD box, but i cannot ping any outside
IP addresseses from the FreeBSD box or the other boxes on my
home LAN.

Also when FreeBSD is booting I caught some error messages that
said unknow command "setup" for some of my firewall rules.

I'm getting desperate please assist me in any way possible.

Here's my fwrules file:

> fwcmd="/sbin/ipfw"
> #Outside interface
> oif="tun0"
> #Inside interface
> iif="rl0"
> # Force a flushing of the current rules before reload
> $fwcmd -f flush
> #Check the state of all packets
> $fwcmd add check-state
> #Divert all packets through the tunnel interface.
> $fwcmd add divert natd ip from any to any via $oif
> # Allow all data from my network card and localhost
> $fwcmd add allow all from any to any via lo0
> $fwcmd add allow ip from any to any via $iif
> # Allow all connections that I initiate
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any out xmit $oif setup
> # Once connections are made, allow them to stay open
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any via $oif established
> # Everyone on the internet is allowed to connect
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 22 setup
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 21 setup
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 8080 setup
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 53 setup
> $fwcmd add allow tcp from any to any 4662 setup
> $fwcmd add allow udp from any to any 4672 setup
> # This sends a RESET to all ident packets
> $fwcmd add reset log tcp from any to any 113 in recv $oif
> # Allow outgoing DNS queries ONLY to the specified servers
> $fwcmd add allow udp from any to 53 out xmit tun0
> $fwcmd add allow udp from any to 53 out xmit tun0
> # Allow them back in with the answers
> $fwcmd add allow udp from 53 to any in recv $oif
> $fwcmd add allow udp from 53 to any in recv $oif
> # Allow ICMP
> $fwcmd add 65435 allow icmp from any to any
> # Deny all the rest.
> #$fwcmd add 65435 deny log ip from any to any

"It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face
the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power,
of craven terror -- of an intense and hopeless despair.
Did he live his life again in every detail of desire,
temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment
of complete knowledge?"
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