On Feb 17, 2005, at 2:03 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:


  Hmm - The Mac source (I assume your talking Mac OS X) would probably
be the best to start with.  It might be a very easy port to whatever
version of FreeBSD was used for the version of Mac OS X you wrote the
driver for.

Mac OS X is not based on FreeBSD. It has a BSD user layer and compatibility layer and they DO use the FreeBSD userland for their own, but the driver level is MUCH different.


FreeBSD 3.X was used as the base for the original merge
of Next code. I don't know how much divergence there's been since then.
If your lucky with little effort a FreeBSD 3.5 or early 4.x driver might
be had. With a bit more effort that could be ported to the current
FreeBSD source tree.

  Are you sure that the EVDO card doesen't use an off-the-shelf
ethernet or wireless controller chip already?

  Is there a URL for the Mac driver source code?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert Kim,
EVDO-Coverage, Verizon Agent
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:36 PM
To: 'Mikhail Teterin'
Cc: List Free Bsd
Subject: RE: Verizon's EVDO and FreeBSD

Welll... Yes... The EVDO system technically DOES work on FREEBSD...
You have to personally modify the Old Open Source Mac driver
to do it...
OR.. Just mod the Linux driver...

Tell you what... Since I don't have a copy... If anyone does
this... And
gets me a working driver ... I will get you a FREE EVDO card... And 3
free months of service... Lemme know..


Robert Kim, Verizon Wireless Agent (TM)
2611 S Pacific Coast Highway 101
Cardiff by the Sea CA 92007
206 984 0880

"Internet Service Is ONLY Broadband with Broadband Customer
OUR QUEST: To Kill the Cubicle! (SM)

---Shalommmmmmmm------- ----------------;-)----

-----Original Message----- From: Mikhail Teterin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:21 PM To: Robert Kim, EVDO-Coverage, Verizon Agent Subject: Verizon's EVDO and FreeBSD

Robert Kim,
Wireless Internet Wifi Hotspot Advisor

2611 S Pacific Coast Highway 101
Cardiff by the Sea CA 92007 : 206 984 0880

"Wireless Internet Service Is ONLY Broadband with Broadband


OUR QUEST: To Kill the Cubicle! (SM)

---Shalommmmmmmm-------------------- ---------------------------------;-)----

Is there EVDO-hardware, that works with FreeBSD? Thanks!


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