Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> On Mar 20, 2005, at 11:10 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
>> Duo writes:
>>> And now that embrace and extend has worked, Exchange, sits fairly
>>> stagnant.
>> If it does the job, it doesn't have to change.
> Then why new versions?

Why does this list even care? Why does the list allow the like of
Anthony? Afterall, all he does is fan the flames of aggression.

Also noted, he does not bring anything to the table for this list.
So far he has demonstrated that he's unwilling to test his hardware, yet
quick to blame the OS (in this case, FBSD).

I ask the list moderator - please remove the issue at hand. As mentioned
by many foks here - searching Google on this guy proves many things.
I'll let you all make up you mind as to what that is.

My mind has been made up weeks ago, yet he still manages to stirr up
refuse. And the thing is, our folks here know better. But the vile
things that come from one user seems to always enrage others.

Please - remove the issue at hand.

Best regards,

People who love sausage and respect the law should
never watch either one being made.
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