On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 01:18:27PM +0100, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
" "Eugene M. Minkovskii" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
" I'd say something along the lines of 
" allowed_out = "{ ssh, domain, http, https, etc... }"
" pass out on $ext_if proto tcp $allowed_out label allowed-out keep state
" you could differentiate among source addresses, for example by
" specifying
" client1 = "{ 192.68.n.1, 192.168.n.2 }"
" client1 = "{ 192.68.n.3, 192.168.n.4 }"
" client2_inports = { whatever they need }
" pass out on $ext_if from $client1 to any proto tcp $allowed_out \
"      label client1 keep state
" pass out on $ext_if from $client2 to any proto tcp $allowed_out \
"      label client2-out keep state
" pass from any to $client2 $client2_inports label client2-in keep state
" and so on. Hope this helps.

Just a moment, does it mean that your last rule allow any
incoming connections from world to clients if thay matched by
client2_inports, ANY, not only connections opened by clients?

Moreover, I read in documentation, that state table reads BEFORE
rules, and connections that opened by clients in first rule:

pass out on $ext_if from $client1 to any proto tcp $allowed_out \
     label client2 keep state

whill not marked by label client2-in because thay don't pass to
this rule. Am I right?

Sensory  yours, Eugene  Minkovskii
Сенсорно ваш,   Евгений Миньковский
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