On 12/05/17 12:59, Yuri wrote:
I suggested this PR, but it got rejected: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=224097

http is insecure in its nature, and is an easy target for MITM. This is why https should be preferred. http needs to be discontinued and shut down because as long as it exists somebody will keep using it and will be in danger.

Few years ago Wikimedia Foundation switched to https and discontinued http entirely: https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/06/12/securing-wikimedia-sites-with-https I think this makes a lot of sense, and FreeBSD should do the same.

It's understood that a lot of arguments can be made for and against this, like with any other issue, but security argument should outweigh most or all other arguments.

Let's forget about all the abstract arguments and considerations, and consider this concrete scenario:

Let's assume there is the malicious hacker who runs the malicious Tor exit node. In his attempt to spread malware, he watches all outbound http traffic for subversion requests to the domain FreeBSD.org. Once he detects such request, he serves the maliciously patched versions of popular ports and kernel in a hope that they will be rebuilt locally and run. The unfortunate FreeBSD user who updated his source tree through Tor got infected. This can't possibly happen if https protocol was in use, because the hacker is just a private person and doesn't have access to any CA authorities, and doesn't impersonate anybody.

Please justify the use of the http protocol in the face of this scenario.

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