On 10 December 2017 at 19:23, Yuri <y...@rawbw.com> wrote:

> On 12/10/17 10:15, Igor Mozolevsky wrote:
>> They are not "hypothetical characters," they are invented characters that
>> are used in a threat model. But that's reframing the problem- a
>> hypothetical threat model is very different to a real threat model.
> This is a very real threat model. There are a lot of malicious Tor exit
> node operators, and a lot of FreeBSD users update their system over
> subversion. The only thing that the Tor node operator needs to do is to
> detect relevant requests and serve malware.
> How is this not real?

It seems the problem is *not* FreeBSD but Tor in your case!

Igor M.
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