
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 03:56:31PM -0500, Steven Friedrich wrote:
> in your /etc/make.conf, do you have a line like:
> makeoptions   DEBUG=-g
> if so, comment it out.

The GENEREIC kernel by default has the following config:

makeoptions     DEBUG=-g                # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols

You don't need anything special in your make.conf

In fact having the debug symbols is useful in many cases. So raising the 
default size for the / partition might be the better option (OK, doesn't 
help for already installed systems of course).

- Oliver

| Oliver Brandmueller          http://sysadm.in/         o...@sysadm.in |
|                        Ich bin das Internet. Sowahr ich Gott helfe. |
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