On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 06:45:36PM +0200, Dan Naumov wrote:
> Hey
> I was under the impression that everyone and their dog is using GPT
> partitioning in FreeBSD these days, including for boot drives and that
> I was just being unlucky with my current NAS motherboard (Intel
> D945GCLF2) having supposedly shaky support for GPT boot. But right now
> I am having an email exchange with Supermicro support (whom I
> contacted since I am pondering their X7SPA-H board for a new system),
> who are telling me that booting off GPT requires UEFI BIOS, which is
> supposedly a very new thing and that for example NONE of their current
> motherboards have support for this.
> Am I misunderstanding something or is the Supermicro support tech misguided?

The compatability MBR should be sufficent to let a non-GPT aware BIOS
boot from GPT.  Once you've loaded code from the boot partition, the
BIOS doesn't need to know anything about the partitions.

-- Brooks

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