On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:27:54AM +0100, Dimitry Andric wrote:
> On 2010-01-27 22:27, John Baldwin wrote:
>> GPT was defined along with EFI, so many folks assume that you have to use EFI
>> to boot a GPT-labelled disk.  However, FreeBSD has its own BIOS-based
>> bootstrap that can handle GPT-labelled disks.  I doubt the SuperMicro tech is
>> familiar with that case.  I thought I heard that some folks had added GPT
>> support to grub as well.
> However, this won't boot disks larger than 2TiB, right?  At least not
> without BIOS support...

You won't be able to boot from a partition more than 2TiB in, but you
should still be able to boot as long as you boot from the front part of
the disk.

-- Brook

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