On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Boris Kochergin wrote:

Ahoy. I didn't get any replies to this on -net, so I thought I'd try here. I have an 8.0-RELEASE-p2/amd64 machine running a custom kernel (configuration file at http://acm.poly.edu/~spawk/ACM) and I am unable to use the NFS server module on it. After loading the nfssvc module, attempting to load the nfsserver module fails and the following appears in dmesg:

Feb  3 19:35:54 acm kernel: link_elf_obj: symbol svcpool_create undefined
Feb  3 19:35:54 acm kernel: linker_load_file: Unsupported file type

I see a reference to the problem at http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/svn-src-all/2008-November/001025.html. Am I missing something or has it never gotten resolved? Thanks.

I don't know diddly about the module loading stuff, but you could try
this patch. (svcpool_create() is a part of the krpc, which is listed
as a module that nfsserver depends on)

--- untested patch for nfs_srvsubs.c ---
--- nfsserver/nfs_srvsubs.c.sav 2010-02-18 14:41:52.000000000 -0500
+++ nfsserver/nfs_srvsubs.c     2010-02-18 14:42:12.000000000 -0500
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
-DECLARE_MODULE(nfsserver, nfsserver_mod, SI_SUB_VFS, SI_ORDER_ANY);
+DECLARE_MODULE(nfsserver, nfsserver_mod, SI_SUB_VFS, SI_ORDER_FIRST);

 /* So that loader and kldload(2) can find us, wherever we are.. */
 MODULE_VERSION(nfsserver, 1);
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