On Fri, 5 Mar 2010, Daniel Braniss wrote:

On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Daniel Braniss wrote:

just keep sending insights/pointers and enjoy life

You could try this patch for sys/rpc/replay.c. Completely untested and
just typed into email (so don't give it to "patch", just edit the file).

- try adding these 2 lines just before the end of replay_setreply() in

-       }
+       } else if (m)
+               m_freem(m);

It's the only place I can see in replay.c that might leak, rick

this is what I did:
--- a/sys/rpc/replay.c  Mon Mar 01 18:29:54 2010 +0200
+++ b/sys/rpc/replay.c  Fri Mar 05 09:24:17 2010 +0200
@@ -243,6 +243,9 @@
               rce->rce_repbody = m;
               if (m)
                       rc->rc_size += m_length(m, NULL);
+       } else if (m) {
+            printf("free m=%p ...\n", m);
+            m_freem(m);

but it didn't help, it's not triggered

Hmm, well that's the only place I could see in replay.c that could leak
(and it's a pretty straightforward piece of code). This is getting
interesting. Just to confirm where we currently are...

- replay cache disabled --> no leak
- replay cache enabled (with or without the above patch) --> leak

I'll take another look, but I doubt the leak is in replay.c so... maybe
a reply from the cache is somehow handled incorrectly and that causes the
leak elsewhere? (Just a random hunch at this point.)

Thanks for the explanation on the cache, things are begining to make sense.
If I understand, the reason for this cache is to prevent re-applying an
already performed rpc, which could lead to data corruption

Yep, you've got it. It is basically a bandaid for the poor transport
semantics provided by UDP.

Having fun with this one. Thanks for the help, rick

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