[removed security@ which is not nearly related to topic]

On 09/07/10 23:31, Vadim Goncharov wrote:
07.09.10 @ 18:53 Andriy Gapon wrote:
The reason is performance for overall network stack, not ideology.

For a practical reasons, "it works but slow" is better than
"doesn't work at all (due to absence of code in the src tree)".

"Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast. In that order", know this?
Sacrificing "work" for "fast"?.. Hmm, if it is not ideology, then what
is it?..

BTW, there were advanced notices for users, request for volunteers, etc.

So, if you didn't speak up at that time please keep silence now :-)

You do not understand the problem. It is not in notices & volunteers,
but rather in the Project's policy - delete something which could still
work. Personally, I don't use ISDN, so didn't said anything that time,
but now, there are more precedents of removing components from FreeBSD -
so, for now, I must say that this policy is harmful. Though I doubt that
one man's opinion could change Project's policy until it's too late...


it (i4b) worked, nobody was maintaining it, nobody opted to maintain it, everybody was asked to maintain it, nobody wanted, everybody has been asked to speak up if the code will be axed out, nobody spoke up, it has been axed out ... 13 months ago and even then nobody complained about.

Are _you_ willing to maintain it?
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